IT’s All Within YOU:
A Memoire Of Us

by Shannon MOrse

We are the seer and the unseen. The watcher and the watched. It’s all happening to us, and for us. It’s all us. When our consciousness can BE in the happening of this, we will transform the dream completely.

This is a channelled memoire that activates a cellular remembering of who we truly are.

  • With Each page I felt my body falling deeper into meditation. A true cellular activation.

    Aubrey Nicole


We are curating a frequency for your design. The symbol of sacred. The mantra of your essential being. The song, the sound, the tone that only you can express in its full radiance. You are the enigma. It is you, it is I, it is US.

A symphony of pure radiance.

Then the emotions that roll through you move through your sacred tone. Similarities will exist in some of us, but it will never be quite the same expression of divine consciousness as your true nature. It will be as though it’s all you could ever be, when you just let go and allow that full-blown self-expression to arise. Busting through the seams, the seams that were never there to begin with.


Shannon Morse lives in the United States and spends her time nurturing Green Door Health —helping to align people to their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health with holistic approaches curated for the individual I AM. You can find her @spark_that_ignites