Aubrey Nicole

Aubrey Nicole lives in the United States and grew up reading Nancy Drew novels. Now she reads the tarot and spends her time unraveling the mysteries of individual destiny and transpersonal experience.

You can find her @mokshadestiny

  • Hilarious. Raucous. Unbelievable, unless you know the author. Then, even more fantastically entertaining. A must read!

    Katja Miller

  • I woke up at 6am this morning and plowed through until I finished it a few minutes ago. I can't help but feel entirely inspired by her story.

    Michael G

  • Our book club selected this! I can only hope there's a sequel in the works. Oh please, Olivia, I know you're still out there making noise...

    Rachel Sipes

  • A great read!!!!! Fast read, you can't put it down! Too funny, light hearted, don't miss out!

    Lucia Bruno Lawrence

  • Sometimes funny, sometimes painful. I cried both from laughing and feeling overwhelmingly sad for Olivia.

    Rachel W

  • Loved it. A quick and well-written piece of fiction. The author switches from witty to serious prose in the span of a page without having the reader blink an eye. The transitions are smooth and the syntax is excellent.

    Damaris Ariel Hatch

  • A hilariously (embarrassingly) honest look inside the mind and shenanigans of a 20-something. From random hookups, to falling in and out of love, this was one of the funniest books I've read and found myself laughing out loud more times than I can count.

    Sasha Jones, LA Inspiration book review

  • This was a great escape. really needed the laughs, the love, and the pure feeling. Couldn't put it down 'til I read the whole thing!

    Sara Roell

  • Very quick, funny, witty. An incredible read. A great beach day book.

    Jennifer Lahotski

  • I laughed my ass off!

    Richard Roell

  • I'm a dude and this stuff is genuinely entertaining and funny. I cannot believe that this chick had that many friggin' jobs! It might be a world record.

    Nicholas Miller

  • Loooooove it!

    Shannon Lia

A fast-paced voyeuristic look into the mind and heart of Olivia, a girl who rarely follows the rules and finds contentment in the chaos. From her first kiss, to her latest attempt at a career selling books door-to-door, follow along as she forges a new path without losing the plot.

first edition paperback // by request


by Aubrey Nicole


“Will you wake me up with a text tomorrow? Tell me something that will make me smile.”

A tiny feeling of relief came over me, all born from his small attempt at connection. I thought for a minute, remembering something I’d heard one time, sat up in bed not feeling so alone anymore and wrote,

“Girls are like pianos. When they’re not upright, they’re grand.”

I felt him smile.

An hour later he called and told me that he’d almost turned around to come back for me.


Human in the machine age: A Blueprint foR reconnecting to your Body’s WIsdom

by Aubrey Nicole

In a world where technology advances faster than we can process and life feels like an endless stream of chaos, it’s easy to lose touch with the one thing that can truly guide us—our own energy. Human in the Machine Age is your invitation to pause, reconnect, and remember what it means to feel alive.

Includes bonus material: guided meditations, somatic journey music, and a custom playlist.
